Smart, digital and future-proof

Your control centre in everyday life
With the PANTABOX app for IOS and Android, you decide how you charge. Control your charging processes, set times, adjust the amperage and much more. The app is also your key to unlocking the PANTABOX. The app makes your PANTABOX future-proof.
Charging management
Control and monitor the charging process - even remotely via cloud control.
Charging statistics
All data at a glance - can be used offline thanks to CSV export.
Protects the PANTABOX from unauthorised access: unlocking via smartphone or RFID tags.
WLAN, Bluetooth, RFID and cloud connection.
Firmware updates
New functions are available immediately thanks to over-the-air updates.

Compatible with HEMS and ideal for PV surplus charging
The PANTABOX allows you to easily integrate it into your Home Energy Management System (HEMS). You can use the app to configure the connection and optimise the control of your networked devices.
The PANTABOX shows its strengths particularly when it comes to PV surplus charging: it uses the electricity from your photovoltaic system to charge your electric car sustainably. The PANTABOX provides the necessary interfaces to inverters, smart meters and HEMS, thus ensuring efficient and environmentally friendly charging.
Other interfaces
Modbus TCP
The PANTABOX also supports Modbus-TCP for integration into home energy management systems.
The PANTABOX has a REST API for communication.